Housing and Schools

12 February 2008

The city that I live in (Shoreline, a suburb just north of Seattle) closed two elementary schools this year, and the city of Seattle has also been talking about closing schools, in both cases because the number of children enrolled in school has declined. Yet the population of both Seattle and Shoreline must be increasing, as houses are replaced by condo buildings and apartments, so I had been somewhat confused about this... Until someone yesterday pointed out the (in retrospect) fairly obvious reason: housing in the nearby suburbs and the city of Seattle is getting more and more expensive. So people in my situation (two good jobs, no kids) can still afford to buy houses, but families with school children are having to move farther north or south, to find housing they can afford. So we are closing elementary schools in my part of town, and Kent (a farther-out suburb) has been building new ones. Food for thought...